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Introducing Sam Cockcroft (Hesketh) HPS Parent Governor

Holland Park School Parent Collective

Sam Cockroft (Hesketh)

"I’d like to start by saying that I put myself forward to be a parent governor because I feel incredibly fortunate my children attend this school and I therefore want to support HPS as best I can.

The last few months have been a total rollercoaster; we’re all still trying to catch up with information and get to grips with understanding the changes. It’s been unsettling as an adult, so must be very confusing and overwhelming for many of the students.

I volunteered for this role because I genuinely want to be a voice for the parents and carers of our school community. There are some fantastic things about HPS, but also some recognised shifts that need to happen.

As I said in my governor election blurb, I believe every child attending HPS should have a great educational experience and I hope to involve myself wherever possible to contribute to the school moving forwards."

Sam's Personal Introduction for the Parent Governor Election

I’m Sam, mother of two children attending HPS. I’d like your consideration for parent governor because I believe I have the commitment, skills and enthusiasm to make a positive impact. The most important function of the parent governor should be to advocate for all our children without agenda; assisting with and challenging - where necessary - the running of the school, to ensure every child receives a positive experience.

I’m currently a charity volunteer for the Samaritans; a role in which safeguarding and well-considered communications are essential for child protection.

As performance accountability is a core governor responsibility, I think my experience in previous roles will be of value: I have worked in HR consultancy - latterly focusing on employee retention, motivation and performance management during M&A; been actively involved with my children’s PTAs throughout their primary education and recently joined the Holland Park PLT.

There are numerous areas in which HPS excels: our children are incredibly fortunate to learn in a culture of high expectation, strong ethos and some wonderful teaching. However, given recent ESFA and OFSTED investigations into the governance of the school there are undoubtedly areas for improvement.

Our Governing Board have decided to partner with a Multi Academy Trust. This decision has the potential to bring many changes and parent governors will be an essential part of shaping the evolving culture. If elected, I will aim to represent the parental voice, supporting the school and the HPS community during this period and beyond.

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