Holland Park School Parent Collective
Meaningful parental and community engagement
Welcome to the Parent Collective
We are working to rebuild our community after a difficult few years for all at Holland Park School (HPS).
Our main motto is one of asking for transparency, consultation with stakeholders and respect for all staff, parents - and most importantly our children. We are doing this for them. We want is best for our children.
We wish to have representation for our parents and children at board level - and to have skilled, knowledgeable voices who understand HPS extraordinary abilities around the table.
We have a vast wealth of skills within our parent body and are using these to help shape our message. Please join us and help in any way you can. All help is appreciated.
Please encourage as many HPS parents as possible to join us at HPSPC (Holland Park School Parent Collective) in asking for transparency and truth, and the right support for our children.
Thank you to all of the individuals and groups who have come together to support our HPS community. To all of those who have given up their days, evenings and weekends on our subcommittees. Thank you, we salute you.
Join Other Parents
Join our email list and keep up-to-date with what we are doing
Wishing all Holland Park School staff and families a restful and enjoyable summer holiday!
Year 7 and 12 will start new school year on Tuesday 6th September 2022
All other students start their new school years on Wednesday 7th September 2022
Apparently the new head, Mr Steve Parsons, is having three days of school staff training at the start of the new term. These are referred to as INSET days and children do not attend school on INSET days.
the INSET days are Thursday 1st September, Friday 2nd and Monday 5th September.

The experience of coming together to support our school, children and teachers - no matter our viewpoint of how to best do that - has highlighted how much the parents of HPS need a way to come together and create a support group for all parents; organising events to meet one another, liaising with the school and being a general resource.
This needs to be a group that includes all parents regardless of their stand on any particular issue in the school. It is only through healthy discussion, a willingness to hear all views, not just those we agree with, that we can create a strong group of people who all care about HPS.
Let's all come together for the sake of our community, our school and our children.

Ways to Get Involved
Join our active and engaged WhatsApp group to join the discussion
Email using the WhatApp link above. Tell us your name, phone number, children's names and years, and we'll add you.
Share your time and expertise in one of our sub-groups
Join the main WhatsApp group then reach out to our current co-ordinator to share where you'd like to get more actively involved.
Engage in the discussion on Twitter
If you are interested in supporting our commitments in the wider community, please join us on Twitter @stoptheMATness
In the News
Apologies, this is not up-to-date. Too busy writing letters to government to update properly for now...
Please see our timeline for statements of support from numerous key figures, including the RBKCCouncil, Felicity Buchan MP and most recently RBKC Labour.
6 Jun - SchoolsWeek article following the NEU press release about them joining the HPSPC in issuing the HPS Board of Governors with a Judicial Review.
14 May - A parent shares his thoughts on the DfE and its "clutch of compliant governors (none from the locality) who've duly rubber-stamped its wishes" at HPS, in The Week.

13 May - Warwick Mansell wrote an article on the Education Uncovered website about Jane Farell taking aim at the teachers with her recent letter.
There have been numerous articles published about HPS today - 5th May - since the release of the report the day before about some students' allegations. Below is the BBC content on the same matter.
RBKC (Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea) release the following statement on Saturday, 30th April 2022 - definitely read this!
We are sharing news articles below as, although they are not always as accurate as we'd like, they serve their purpose in raising awareness that things are happening at HPS, and thus hopefully creating pressure for those responsible for what is going on.
The Evening Standard - Wednesday, 4th May 2022 - reasonable reporting on the facts
The Guardian - Tuesday, 3rd May 2022 -
reasonable reporting on the facts
The Daily Mail - Saturday, 30th April 2022 - unfortunately, too much distortion of facts
Private eye article - March 2022

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Recent Articles
Here you'll find articles from our blog about specific issues you may wish to understand in more detail.
On the blog you'll also find copies of recent newsletters to the collective.